Marriage of frog and toad is organized here for rain know what science says

Marriage of frog and toad is organized here for rain know what science says

With the arrival of monsoon, most of the states of India receive heavy rainfall. In some states, it rains so much that a flood-like situation arises. But sometimes it also happens that in some states, it does not rain for years and there is drought. But we will tell you about a place where people get a frog and a frog married to bring rain. It is believed that by doing this, it rains in their place.


It is necessary for all seasons to come on earth. Rain is also included in this. On the other hand, if there is no rain at any place for years, then a situation of drought arises there. Due to rain, the trees present on earth come back to life.

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remedies for rain

Rainfall is a natural phenomenon. But sometimes it does not rain at all in some areas. This is the reason why people in India adopt various strange customs to make it rain, which you will be surprised to hear about. Let us tell you that in some parts of Assam and Maharashtra, a frog and a female frog are married with full rituals to make it rain. The villagers believe that if this pair of frogs stays together, it will rain soon. After this, this newly married couple is raised towards the sky, so that God can see them. Local people believe that by doing this, Lord Indra will be pleased and it will rain.

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The second method in Karnataka

Apart from this, in Karnataka people get donkeys married to get rain. People there believe that doing so will bring rain soon. Apart from this, according to some media reports, a very strange ritual is done to call rain in the city of Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. In this city known as Prayagraj, young boys try to please the rain god by rolling in the mud. All the boys lie down naked or wearing only shorts in the mud and pray with folded hands.

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what does science say

Let us tell you that science denies all these things. According to experts, rain happens in the same way as the cycles that are formed regarding rain. For example, steam going up, forming clouds and raining. Science says that rain does not happen by doing puja or getting a frog and a girl married in any way.

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